Should I Get A Credit Card? Benefits Of Owning A Credit Card
When used sensibly, there can be plenty of perks to having a credit card. From cheaper holiday money to safer shopping, discover how a credit card could benefit you.
It can be a cheaper way to borrow
If you don’t have the cash readily available, having a credit card means it’s still possible to pay. They also offer a flexible alternative to a loan or overdraft. The key is to successfully manage your payments.
Savvy travellers use plastic
It can be beneficial to spend on the right credit card when travelling. As well as giving you the same consumer protection you get in the UK, some credit cards can save you money by cutting commission fees and getting you the best possible foreign exchange rate. Since it is a Mastercard, marbles is accepted in more than 32 million outlets around the world. Fees and charges may apply.Find out more about taking your credit card abroad.
Some businesses, such as hotels or car rental outlets may insist on a credit card when accepting a payment. With a credit card, they get greater assurance that they can recover any additional costs you could run up.
Could help build a good credit report
A good credit report can help you get the best deal when buying a house or car. A bad one, however, can make it difficult for you to get pretty much anything you can’t pay for up front. Getting a credit card and managing it carefully (by staying within your credit limit and making payments on time) can be an effective first step towards building your credit rating.
With online account management, balance updates and payment alerts, marbles can help you on the road to getting better credit, thanks to better control.
Representative Example:
The APR applicable to your account will depend on our assessment of your application. Credit only available to aged 18 or over, resident in the UK and subject to status.